This was a C2C CAL by HeartSprinkle! How adorable!
It was super fun anticipating the beginning of the project. I started looking up how to do the C2C stitch, watched a few videos and I was on my way! I had trouble sourcing the right colors. Many of you know how much I love Caron Simply Soft yarn, but it was very difficult to find the rainbow of colors in the right shades, and I had to settle for some less-than-ideal shades. I did NOT want to use Red Heart Yarn for such a beautiful project! I knew it would still turn out fantastic and that my girls would love how it looked.
Because I was already working on the Flower Puddles Blanket, I desperately wanted to finish that one first. I only had a few rounds left! But then when I thought I finished the blanket, I realized I added extra stitches to the second half of the last row, so I had to frog it and redo it. that made me lose some time on the CAL!
Here is the photo of my week 1 progress!
I love the way the stitch turned out!